A: Snatch Grip Split Jerk from behind neck. 5 Heavy Singles and hold each one for 5 seconds overhead. Rest as needed between singles.
B: 2 HSPU every 30 seconds for as long as possible. Full Range Please. If you have no HSPU, you will do tabata handstand holds. 20 seconds in Handstand and 10 seconds resting.
C: “Karen” 150 Wall Balls for time
I dreaded this workout all day because I am not a big fan of wall balls. Then I decided, instead or dreading it, go in there and kill it! I told myself I was at least going to try to get close to AJ’s time of 5:17 (yea right!), ended up with 6:56 but pretty darn proud of it!! When I first started I just tried to get as many as I could without stopping, I got 50. Then after that I told myself, no less than 20 at a time. Never, ever, ever underestimate yourself, Believe in Yourself (that’s for you coach Nikki). Next time I'll do even better.
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