Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9, 2011, "Back to Reality"!

After spending all day Saturday in Epcot indulging non-Paleo foods its time to get back to business! Started the day with 1 egg+3 egg whites and 2 slices of lean canadian bacon...this is my usual breakfast but somedays I add in a 100 calorie english muffin with almond butter or a piece of fruit, usually an orange or berries. Throughout the day I ate two small  meals of a lean meat and veggies with a "Paleo Krunch" for a snack today. By the way if you haven't tried it yet Steve's Original makes great Paleo snacks if you need something on the go or are not prepared for the day. Visit

Todays WOD was tough  but felt so good to be back after the weekend.
4 rounds for time:
2 tire flips • 9 burpee broad jumps • 8 dumbell push press (heavy) • 8 chest to bar pull-ups

And finally the best part...dinner! Grilled/seasoned top round steak with fresh avocado slices and roasted broccoli, yum!

What You'll Need:
Top Round Steak
Your Preferred Seasoning (we use lemon pepper)
Olive Oil
Broccoli Florets
Salt & Pepper (leave out salt for 100% Paleo)
Grated Parmesan Cheese

Steak: Lightly brush the steak with olive oil, follow with lemon pepper seasoning. Grill until desired doneness!
Broccoli: Toss the florets lightly with olive oil to coat, season with sea salt & pepper. I also like to sprinkle just a bit of grated parmesan cheese on top. Bake on 400 for 15-20 minutes or until tops get a bit browned. Enjoy!


  1. This is great Natalie! I'm so proud of you and I always think of you. I admire your dedication...
    My breakfast starts out very similar to this...the hard part for me is sticking to it for the rest of the day! I can plan healthy lunches and dinners but it's the "snacking" that gets to me. Especially, when people bring in goodies at work and it always seems like there is some special occasion to celebrate, which i just have no control.

  2. Love the blog Natalie, Ali and I will be trying out some of your recipes.

  3. How come you didn't say anything about how your amazing husband made this entire meal?? LOL

  4. You did my sweet love :-) I came home from crossfit and it was ready for me, I taught you well haha !
